"Hope deferred makes the heart sick; but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12
The purpose of this ministry at BFWC is to help others excel as they encounter day-to-day situations by using both practical and biblical principles. This ministry focuses on individual and family road blocks that have kept people or their families stuck in a negative life pattern/cycle.
H.O.P.E. Ministry works with individuals to identify such barriers and provide alternative options. These options will be in alignment to the mission and vision of BFWC and in alignment to what God would have for us all in life, to trust and lean upon Him.
The good nature and intent of H.O.P.E. Ministry is to increase emotional wellness and spiritual healing to the wounded and broken hearted.
We are available to meet with BFWC Church members who are dealing with personal or family life challenges. We are dedicated to providing a compassionate listening ear and sound Biblical advice.
Types of Services Available
Individual Counseling - this service is provided to meet with an individual privately to discuss strategies on how to cope with daily living situations and to develop steps toward a healthier quality of life.
Family Counseling - This service is provided to the family to help families learn how to listen and respect one another, set appropriate boundaries, learn problem solving skills and to develop goals to function as a positive family unit.
Mental Health Coaching - This is a confidential service available to Bethel Family Worship Center and surrounding communities who seek help from a certified Mental Health Coach to provide assistance in areas of their life where they need accountability, encouragement and emotional support to achieve his/her goals. It is a mental health peer approach to help participants to manage emotional despair and be a bridge between the mental healthcare system.
Parenting Classes
Parenting classes are geared to assist and to teach parenting skills while utilizing Biblical principles. As a parent, it's considered being responsible to seek out advice and new strategies to parenting. Children today have so much more to face in their schools, communities and in their homes than generations before them.
The classes include a wide range of topics relating to emotional health and well-being. The offered topics include: Bullying and Violence Prevention, Relationship Skills, Responsibility, Depression, Suicide, Conflict Resolution, Stress Management, Honesty, Self-Esteem, Respect, Friendship, Substance Abuse and Tobacco Dangers, to name a few.
These classes will be offered on a rotating series. The start of these classes will be posted online and in the church bulletin when available.
Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety and Eating Disorder
This is a peer to peer support group offered by MHAHC that is open to everyone with a mental health condition, their family members and their friends. Meetings are held weekly on Thursdays from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the Avon Light and Life Free Methodist Church.
Westside Widowed Support Group
This is a group by MHAHC that offers mutual support and opportunities for social activies to widowed men and women in the area. Regular meetings are held the first Sunday of each month at the Avon United Methodist Church. Other activities are planned and carried out by the group and offer a range of opportunities for entertainment and social interaction. This group organizes the Grief and the Holidays Program which is presented the first Sunday of November each year.
Information & Referral
Bethel Family Worship Center will have information available on a wide variety of resources for people who contact the church office or email the Hope Ministry email address at hope@bfwc.net. People who contact the church office receive referral information and are always given the number to the United Way of Central Indiana's Connect to Helpline, 211.
What is Spiritual Guidance?
Spiritual Guidance is a confidential meeting of two or more people in which a Pastor/Ministry Leader listens to the individual/couple describe a personal or family life problem while the Pastor/Ministry Leader gives empathy, hope, encouragement, prayer, and advice based on wisdom from the Bible.
A Spiritual Guidance session is conducted in a one hour time period. The Pastor/Ministry Leader spends that time listening, asking questions, and giving advice intended to help the individual/couple resolve the challenges they are having. The Pastor/Ministry Leader uses prayer and scripture to welcome God's presence into the healing process.
Sometimes one session is all that is needed while other times the Pastor/Ministry Leader suggests a series of follow-up sessions. Because Spiritual Guidance is only one part of the overall ministry to individuals and families at BFWC, individuals/couples are encouraged to participate in weekly worship services, LIFE groups, seminars, and fellowships at BFWC in order to achieve the maximum benefit from Spiritual Guidance.
What Spiritual Guidance is Not
Spiritual Guidance is not mental health care. We do not perform psychiatric evaluations nor do we prescribe medication.
It gives me great pleasure to serve as a member of Bethel Family Worship Center (BFWC). I have had the opportunity to witness the marvelous works through Jesus Christ of the Lead Pastors and the Leadership Staff at BFWC. Additionally, I have observed the contributions of the members of the church and the surrounding community. I am thankful that God sanctioned my steps toward BFWC.
My personal mission is in alignment to the mission and vision at BFWC, I stand for those who suffer and are hurting. I promote education and support those who seek mental wellness. I partner with others to build a platform from the foundation of love, grace and HOPE so that our children are healthier, our communities are safer, people are saved and know the truth about our God...only one way through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! So I challenge and ask for you to take your rightful place as a concerned believer and become more involved and gain awareness on how you can be of help!