About Us
Our Beliefs
See how we view God, Jesus, the Bible, man, and many significant aspects of our faith. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of BFWC guide our decisions as a church.
Our Values
Learn about the values that keep the vision of BFWC clear. These values reflect our priority to reach people with the Gospel.
Our Culture
The culture of BFWC determines the type of Christians we will reproduce. We believe if we sustain a climate long enough, then we will produce the type of culture we desire.
Our Purpose
Having a purpose drives us toward our intended goal and keeps us from becoming side tracked. BFWC is committed to a five-fold purpose.
Our Vision
The vision statement directs our church to fulfill it's intended goal. It puts "legs" on our mission statement, describing how the mission statement will be put into action and achieved.