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bLEADERS (Student Leadership) is a program that gets your kids out of the seats and involved in ministry!  Kids can and should be taught to serve and lead in ministry. With bLEADERS, students can be a part of a team of young leaders that will be actively involved in ministry, growing in their skills, and building strong character. From the moment they join, our mission is to empower young students to become strong leaders.

These students will perform every function in ministry.  From lights and sound, worship, and greeting, to setup, tear down, administration, media and production; your students will be empowered to take on any and every task necessary in ministry. Each week these students will be receiving leadership training that will help them learn and grow into a strong leader. 

Being a part of bLEADERS is a big commitment from the student and the parent. It will require weekly training, homework assignments, and serving.  bLEADERS is $85 per student (covers course materials and t-shirt) and runs from March through September. 


Applications can be picked up at The HUB and returned to the coaches. The registration fee can be paid here.

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